
Offering half-day and full-day programming in 2024-2025.

Applicants must be four years old by Sept 1.

Birches' Pre-Kindergarten students participate in a full day, play-based program that emphasizes cooperation, creativity, and engagement with the wonders of the natural world. At Birches, we know that nature is teeming with lessons, so we bring our youngest students into the woods most days to embrace the natural world and uncover its mysteries.

Our magical setting promotes students’ genuine curiosity, problem-solving skills, scientific, mathematical, language, and pre-literacy skills. Our emphasis on nature, coupled with an inquiry-based approach, promotes and boosts academic learning, collaborative skills, and social development.

  • From the minute children arrive at Birches they begin to use language. Whether greeting their teachers or friends, saying goodbye to their caretakers, or asking curiously about something around them – children have countless opportunities throughout the day to verbally express their ideas. Children have access to many different types of literature and writing experiences throughout the year encouraging them to develop a positive relationship with literacy and excitedly pursue their interests. At Birches, our literacy curriculum is thoughtfully woven through nature play, art activities, science experiments, and other hands-on experiences throughout the school day.

  • Inspired by the natural world around us, math is abundantly present in the pre-kindergarten program at Birches. Children are often encouraged to collect, count, and sort objects they find on campus. This often leads to wonderful collaboration between peers and creates beautiful learning moments. Children build shapes and structures with found sticks and organize differently colored leaves to practice patterning. The main goal of the pre-kindergarten math curriculum at Birches is to guide children to connect with numbers in a meaningful way in order to foster a growing love of math.

  • Science is authentically woven throughout every minute of every child's day. Whether spending time in our outdoor classroom or walking one of the many trails to a favorite destination, children are constantly surrounded by opportunities to wonder and explore, both independently and together. Guided by our wonderings, we explore how the changing seasons affect our environment through nature play, environmental activities, and trail walks.

  • Opportunities for expression and experimentation occur naturally throughout the school days at the pre-kindergarten level. Our magical campus provides many settings for children to practice taking turns, negotiating, and sharing in cooperative play, and continue to develop a strong sense of self while practicing independent play. Imaginative and dramatic play experiences give children opportunities to decide roles, express their needs for what character they want to play, and develop a creative story or game. Teachers support children in play by observing closely, listening for when support may be needed, and offering occasional prompts and instructions. Children are also constantly developing their self help skills as they move throughout their day – preparing themselves for outdoor play in winter weather, managing their lunch and snack items for outside eating, and toileting skills.

  • Diversity, equity and inclusion is embedded into the Pre-Kindergarten program at Birches. As young children are constantly wondering and questioning about themselves, others, their environment, and the world around them, we provide the children with diverse learning opportunities to explore their ideas. Whether browsing through our library full of books featuring diverse characters, exploring the mud kitchen with a new friend, or creating a self portrait – we encourage and support the children in exploring their many ideas and questions. In Pre-Kindergarten we aim to help children begin to develop a clear sense of self and foster empathy and understanding of those around them.